to Achieve Maximum Delay and Other Positive Outcomes
Join us on Tuesday, August 4, 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern to learn how to data mine permit applications for wireless telecommunications facilities.
Reviewing the telecom’s applications or petitions can be overwhelming for new people. By doing the preliminary work below you will learn more in this training session to delay and halt progress in your towns and understand the terms the industry is using.
The guest speaker and amazing activist is Paul G who founded Scientists for Wired Technology, which you can find online at He is not a real scientist and doesn’t even play one on TV, but he is kind of a mad scientist, dreaming up new potions that can melt away the Wireless Industry’s expansionist agenda. Important to note is that he led the charge to win the veto of CA SB 649, the ALEC-written California Small Cell Streamline Bill, and preserved local control over the placement, construction, and operations of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, i.e. WTFs of any size and any G. He has helped launch some other interesting web properties, as well:
Here is the pre-work to complete before the webinar to get the most out of the training:
- View the July 9 Zoominar here starting at 43:00 –> Learning From the Successes of Others
- View attorney Andrew Campanelli / Mayor Ian Ogelsby here –>
- View attorney Mark Pollock here –>
- READ top-to-bottom these web pages –> and
We will cover some of the material here –> but the event will be application-review focused.
Please join this Go To Meeting webinar from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
There are 250 “seats” that will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121
Access Code: 469-842-101
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