Click to Send Letters ~ Freeze 5G

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Tell Your Municipality to Pass an Emergency Ordinance to Halt Deployment of 5G During Quarantine

Deployment of Wireless During Quarantine Can be Stopped Legally – Here’s How:

Since the beginning of the Quarantine, we have been receiving an overwhelming number of reports from concerned citizens and parents who have been witnessing the aggressive expansion of cellular antenna installations in communities across the country. The vast majority of this activity is occurring without the knowledge or consent of our citizens and is without local government oversight, application approval, public noticing, community participation, environmental review, and most importantly, transparency. Clearly, the telecom companies are using the COVID-19 emergency as cover to expand and cement their rapid and virtually unsupervised deployment of harmful wireless infrastructure and to advance their agenda. To stop this activity and as part of our promise to be pro-active and solutions-oriented with our efforts, the Children’s Health Defense legal team came up with a legal solution.

Following the Homeland Security and the FCC orders, local authoritieshave emergency powers to place a moratorium on non-essential activity, including to pause all pending wireless zoning and right-of-way applications and to shut down new wireless construction. 

Send Letters to Your Municipality

Children’s Health Defense has set up a Click to Action page to easily send letters to your municipality asking them to pass an emergency ordinance to freeze the roll-out of 5G. Just give your name and mailing address for the letter, and the system will identify your representatives, and you can send the letters with a few clicks. Once you’ve sent the letters, follow up with your Mayor, City Council, and City Manager to encourage them to adopt this emergency measure. Also encourage others you know to take similar action as well.

CHD’s Stop 5G Emergency Ordinance Campaign Is Making Waves – an Update and Next Steps

Over 50,000 letters were sent to municipalities in the US asking them to pass an emergency ordinance to stop the deployment of 5G during the quarantine. Thank you for taking action and using our click to Action system to send the letter. The campaign continues, please keep sharing.

This campaign is making waves – many mayors, city council members, and city managers responded. Some tried to deflect but others are interested in pursuing this avenue or at least using the arguments we made to slow down the wireless companies. We know mayors have contacted their attorneys and they confirmed that this measure works and our arguments are legally valid.

Read the rest of the update, including Children’s Health Defense responses to pushback from city officials.

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