National protest at the headquarters of SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA, and possibly other sites around the US ~ Friday, March 19
Satellites, rockets, and 5G on earth and in sky.
What is the cost to health and the environment?
Up to 100,000 low earth orbit satellites, complementary earth base stations & millions more cell antennas (aka User Terminals) have been approved by the FCC. SpaceX and other companies are now deploying satellites to provide 5G wireless internet to every corner of the globe, blanketing the entire planet in wireless radiation with potentially devastating consequences to all of life.
Join us and people around the world as we demand an immediate halt to 5G satellites & technology on earth & in space until proven safe… as we call for safer and wiser technology options.
March 19, 2021 • Hawthorne, CA
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
1 Rocket Road, Hawthorne, CA
Parking limited—Uber or bus recommended
Satellites have not been tested for safety. Dangers include:
- depletion of the ozone layer
- cyberattacks costing $Trillions
- pollution from rocket launches (exhaust gases, black carbon, alumina, toxic chemicals)
- space debris & collisions – Kessler Effect
- vast increase in energy consumption
- climate impacts from manufacturing & disposal of all connected “things” & infrastructure
- interference with the global electrical circuit
- potential disruption to satellites & connected IoT networks from solar flares
- effects on navigation & survival of wildlife
“The Heavens, our planet’s last precious frontier, are not a commodity to be bought and sold and degraded for private commercial gain.”
Concerned about pollution and energy consumption on earth and space? If you are unfamiliar with the dangers of 5G satellites, check out this SF Chronicle article. The time to take action is NOW or it may be too late! We must consider the environmental footprint of the digital ecosystem of satellites and its contribution to climate change.
Space X and other companies are now deploying satellites as we speak to provide 5G wireless internet to every corner of the globe. Thousands of low orbit satellites (potentially 100,000 or more) and complementary earth base stations have not been tested for environmental safety. Dangers include depletion of the ozone layer, pollution from rocket launches, pollution from “dead” satellites burning up in the atmosphere, mega energy consumption,projected tripling or more of energy and permanent compromise of the night sky, space debris accumulation, interference with astronomical research and weather forecasting, satellite collisions, effects on wildlife and humans and so much more.
Unprecedented increase in satellites and millions of earth base stations require huge amounts of energy and raw materials. (See article.) 5G satellites differ from the geostationary telecommunications satellites more commonly used. The planned 5G network of FCC satellites violates international treatises and is a direct violation of the FCC’s rules and procedures.
Our primary goal is to raise awareness about the dangers posed by satellites – complemented by millions of terrestrial User Terminals, 5G antennas, and Earth Stations. Another goal is to put SpaceX on notice that there will be accountability for the satellites and to that end we are asking to meet with Elon Musk, SpaceX chairman, or his brother Kimbal, SpaceX board member, to begin an honest and open conversation about satellite dangers.
We are planning a national protest rally at the headquarters of SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA, and possibly other sites around the US. The events will take place on Friday, March 19th, 2021, and will “kick off”, and be the centerpieces of the next 5G Global Protest Day, which is scheduled for the following day, March 20th. The rallies will protest the satellites, focusing particularly on SpaceX fleets.
To date, SpaceX has submitted applications to the FCC for 42,000 satellites. As of October 24th, 2020, the company had approximately 858 satellites orbiting in the earth’s ionosphere, and public beta testing started on October 26th.
Please see this interview with Julian Gresser, 5G International Legal Action Network. Julian is an International environmental public interest lawyer, twice Visiting Mitsubishi Professor at Harvard Law School and Visiting Professor at MIT, and an expert on industrial policy and collaborative innovation. Here’s a link to the Declaration, a short video interview of Julian, and a portal to sign the Declaration,
Check out the Healthy Heavens Trust Declaration and the 5G Space Appeal and consider signing and joining our cause!
Want to get involved? Our organizing committee meets via Zoom every other Thursday at 3:00 PST. Upcoming meeting January 14, upcoming protest March 19. You can also contact Stop 5G International ( and The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space ( Please email team at stop5Ginternational dot org
Unfortunately, SpaceX is not the only company launching satellites. One Web has launched 36 satellites and Telesat, Amazon, Facebook and Lynk all have plans to join the global 5G race with their own fleets of satellite networks. Many other countries also have satellite programs. Ideally, we would be protesting all of these, but are focusing this time on SpaceX as they will be leading the charge.
Safe Technology and Pro-Health & Environmental organizations throughout the US are collaborating on this event including Stop 5G International (, The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space (, Environmental Health Trust (, Americans for Responsible Technology (, Children’s Health Defense (, Mom’s Across America ( and many more. We would love your participation as well.
Help us get the word out about the rally and attend if you can!
First, PLEASE send this post and the flyer linked below to all of your contacts in this movement – including celebrities you know in the Los Angeles area that have expressed their support for the Stop-5G movement and/or other environmental issues. Feel free to post and distribute the flyer far and wide!
Download SpaceX Satellite Protest Flyer
Next, you are welcome to join our organizing committee which meets via Zoom every other Thursday at 3:00 PST. Our focus now is how to get the word out to our contacts and the media. Contact us for the next meeting date and Zoom invite.
The planet is calling out to us. If ever there was an existential crisis on earth, we are in it now. Please join us in taking action and spreading the word about this protest rally with the underlying message that we need to change course before it is too late – And halting the satellite program is a good place to start.
Thank you so much and we look forward to working with you.
Julie Levine, Coordinator
5G Free California
5GFreeCalifornia at gmail dot com
Organizers of this event do not endorse any forms of vandalism in advocating for safer technology and environmental stewardship.