What to do in the face of others’ sufferings?
While we are working to stop the threat of 5G, we are all doing our best to simultaneously take care of ourselves. Part of that challenge can be dealing with the pain of knowing of all the suffering that others are experiencing related to electropollution.
Recently, I got an email from the man who was my first mentor related to toxic EMF. His work includes educating people about electropollution and selling products that can help to protect people. He gets emails and messages from people around the world pleading for help related to their electro-sensitive suffering. He sent this question to the list of his immediate followers:
“Friends, do any of you have any suggestions for me? Any great or magical ways to create a good attitude and have an uplifted spirit, while most of the world is suffering?”
My answer to him was:
The primary answer I know is love with detachment, which is needed in all relationships and is difficult for us who are visionaries and empaths. Too much detachment leads to arrogant indifference. Too little leads to bleeding all the time for all who suffer. Taking action in a way that matters helps, too. Knowing that we contribute and do our best to make a difference. Then letting go (which for me is a constant practice and not easy). And finding examples of successes gives me some hope, situations in which we are winning, e.g. this article that lists victories from around the world. https://www.globalresearch.ca/telcos-losing-battle-impose-5g/5691065?fbclid=IwAR0rBvRZirYRbJTIffYAf76A_mcuarg4h-2dOY_V2pgS2CR6hCo0wIXEqKw.
One of my guides in all of this is Mother Teresa. She had warmth, compassion and a sense of humor. A quote from her;
“I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.”
So keep on keeping on. Love and blessings, Bibi
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