All actions on stopping the 5G roll-out are urgent. Please check back here occasionally to see whether any new petitions have been added.

Petition to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to choose Fiber-optic over Wireless Broadband Infrastructure

Deadline: Open
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to approve changes to Titles 16 and 22 of the LA County Code that benefit telecom corporations rather than providing better, faster, safer broadband and protecting residents and the environment. Fiber First LA is taking the lead on legal action against the city of Los Angeles, and this petition remains open while legal action is in progress.

Stop Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (4G/5G) in California Neighborhoods!

Join over 7,000 people who have signed this petition. This petition is targeted to USA and California lawmakers.

Petition to the FCC for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking to pause all satellite licensing and launches until a full assessment of the security risks and long-term harms is made

Five Federal Communications Commissioners (FCC) have granted a few private companies blanket license to deploy over 80,000 satellites and millions of earth stations. Please sign this declaration as an individual or group at:

Healthy Heavens Trust Initiative

Petition to Pope Francis: Declare Moratorium on Antennas in Churches and Investigate Environmental and Health Impacts of Wireless Exposures

This is an international petition. Everyone in the world is invited to sign.

“…. The Church recently adopted a moral stance concerning fossil fuels, resulting in divestment. We ask that the Church, under your leadership, now take urgent and immediate action regarding questions of safety, security, and sustainability of wireless technologies…. By hosting cellphone towers in steeples, the Church is participating in, and benefitting financially from, the growing wireless paradigm.”

Read and Sign the Petition to Pope Francis calling for a moratorium on installing wireless antennas in church steeples and calling for independent safety and environmental studies.

5G Space Appeal

This is an international petition. Everyone in the world is invited to sign.

This Appeal, addressed to the United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO), the European Union (EU), Council of Europe and governments of all nations, had 249,444 signatories from 214 countries and territories as of April 20, 2020. After signing, please share widely on social media and with friends, neighbors, colleagues and others.

International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space

Doctors and Scientists Appeal for 5G Moratorium in the EU

This is an international petition, and should only be signed by Scientists and Doctors.

The 5G Appeal was prepared in 2017 by scientists and doctors who are urgently calling for the EU to halt the roll-out of 5G due to serious potential health effects from this new technology. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.

As of April 19, 2020, 353 scientists and medical doctors from 45 countries have signed the appeal. The 5G Appeal is still open for endorsement by scientists (PhD, professor) or medical doctors (MD). This page has links to the full text of the appeal, two replies from the EU, letters, and rebuttals.

To sign on to the appeal, send your name and credentials to professor Rainer Nyberg.

Call for a Congressional Briefing by Doctors and Scientists on Wireless Radiation Health Risks to Americans

This petition should only be signed by residents of the USA. This petition is hosted by 5G

Ever since the dawn of the wireless age, the telecom industry has been hard at work in Washington to convince lawmakers that there is no scientific evidence linking exposure to radiofrequency microwave radiation (“wireless radiation”) with adverse human health impacts. Unfortunately for us, many representatives have taken the industry’s bait, and now instead of protecting public health, they’re busy protecting the industry’s bottom line.

Our ever-increasing exposure to wireless radiation is a looming and urgent public health emergency. It’s imperative that members of Congress hear from the independent scientists who have been conducting research on the health impacts of wireless radiation, and we’re prepared to bring these scientists to Washington to speak at a Congressional Briefing. This petition is addressed to Congressional Representatives.

Read and sign the petition.

Take Action to Protect the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Click here for a link to the petition and links to background information about why NEPA reviews are an important tool for stopping, delaying, or minimizing power of WTF installations.

Sign More Petitions

Stop 5G International has many more petitions on their Suggested Actions page. Scroll down past “Speak Your Mind” and click on “Sign and Share Petitions.”